Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Perspective is a funny thing…

Yesterday was my daughter, Ce’Anna’s, birthday. She was turning eight and she was excited. She couldn’t wait for her birthday. The fact that it falls so close to Christmas she sees as an asset.

Her brother’s birthday is on Jan 15th and her sister’s is on June 29th. Rory and Ce’Anna think having a January birthday is the best thing in the world. I over heard them say to Michaela, “it is too bad you don’t have a January birthday. You have to wait so long for yours.”

Now to me, Michaela’s birthday is the clear deal because it is six months later, she gets summer stuff to play with and she has time to truly enjoy her Christmas loot before she has to gear up for more stuff. To me going an entire year waiting for more presents sounds worse then knowing six months later I would be getting more goods.

See my birthday is Jan. 31 and I have always hated a winter birthday. I hated that I couldn’t do fun outdoor games. I hated that all I got was winter things. I told my Mom, “no mother should ever saddle her kid with a January birthday.” (Yes, you are right, she laughs hysterically at me now since I have, not one, but two kids birthdays in January!

I realized with my daughter’s birthday it is all a matter of perspective. I dwelled on all the bad things about a January birthday and so hated the fact it was in January. Rory and Ce’Anna focus on all the positives- how they start the year out a new age (okay so maybe this could be a reason I hate my January birthday as I always start the year older right away!), they get to be the first in the family to get more presents, they can pool their Christmas money and birthday money to get really big items they want, they get to be one of the first at school with a party…and the list goes on.

So what do you focus on- the good or the bad? I guarantee you whatever you focus on manifests. So make this YOUR YEAR by manifesting what you want.

Anne Warfield www.impressionmanagement.com

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