I have always loved creating with music going. From the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed, I constantly have music going. I never thought much of it. I just knew that I felt I created and thought better with music on.
Last night I was reading the book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life and right there I found the answer for why I like music so much. I turns out the University of California at Irvine did a study on visual -spatial learning skills. What they found was that when people listened to Mozart (particularly Sonata for Two Pianos), they improved their pattern recognition scores by a whopping....62%!!
What they propose is that Mozart's music strengthens the right-brain processing center associated with spatial learning.
So, guess what my office is now playing?? You guessed it! We are having a blast testing out Mozart and seeing how it impacts our daily work.
Try something different and play some Mozart to see how it affects the way you listen, think, and create!
Anne Warfield, www.impressionmanagement.com