Friday, January 29, 2010

When is Right Wrong?

I am a fan of the show Bones. I love watching the completely analytical mind of Bones going up against the "feel it in your gut" thinking of Booth.

In last night's show Booth did a background check on his brother's girlfriend. Why? Because he believes his brother often doesn't think through his decisions well so Booth wanted to make sure this woman was good for his brother. He felt he was right in what he did.

Bones, trying to get him to see the error in his thinking said a classical line, "I don't know if you were wrong, but I fail to see the point of being right."

Take a moment to re-read that line.  It is profound in its simplicity.  Many times being wrong or right is not the point.  The outcome you are going after can often be totally lost because you are focusing on whether you are wrong or right (an either/or thinking) versus focusing on the outcome (an "and" thinking).

For your OT Journal, go back and look at how many times you go for being "right" versus going for the outcome.  Now thinking about that, what would you need to change in your thinking to get to the outcome versus being right? How would that have impacted the situation?

If you don't have an OT Journal, email us at and put "Blog OT Journal Intentions" in the email and we will send you a free downloadable journal.

Anne Warfield

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