If you are a photographer and you want to grow your business, how do you do it?
Most likely you thought of the typical marketing ideas of advertising, tweeting, or maybe even blogging on how to ensure you get great pictures. All of those are good ideas but I saw one the other day that was absolutely brilliant in its simplicity.
My girlfriend had pictures of her son taken. When she picked up her pictures the photographer handed her 100 business cards that had on the front- the photographers website and phone number as well as a picture of my friend's baby, the back was a full picture of my friend's baby crawling.
There are six reasons this is brilliant:
1. Allows parents to pass out pictures of their child without buying extra expensive prints.
2. They are small and easy to carry around
3. Friends are likely to keep the card as it has a picture of the friend's baby on it. Hence better chance they will call down the road.
4. Every person who gets a card feels it is "customized" and relevant to them because the picture on it is someone they know. Thus the card suddenly has "character."
5. The parents are proud to hand them out because it has their child's picture on it
6. It eliminates the "who took these pictures" attempt at referrals and promotes the photographer without a word spoken
Now you have feel good energy around the handing out of the cards as well as the receiving of the card.
Looking at this example, ask what you can do in your business to generate this same goodwill. What can you do that clients will hold on to? What can you do that clients will want to distribute for you?
Now I realize not all our businesses lend toward the cute idea this photographer has done but I would bet if you think on it, you can come up with something equally as brilliant. So what have you done that has made you or your business stand out?
More on creating a positive impression by Anne Warfield
Friday, January 29, 2010
President Obama - State of the Union - Body Language Insights
Anne Warfield shares her insights on President Obama's body language during the State of the Union Address:
Anne Warfield,
Body Language expert,
President Obama
When is Right Wrong?
I am a fan of the show Bones. I love watching the completely analytical mind of Bones going up against the "feel it in your gut" thinking of Booth.
In last night's show Booth did a background check on his brother's girlfriend. Why? Because he believes his brother often doesn't think through his decisions well so Booth wanted to make sure this woman was good for his brother. He felt he was right in what he did.
Bones, trying to get him to see the error in his thinking said a classical line, "I don't know if you were wrong, but I fail to see the point of being right."
Take a moment to re-read that line. It is profound in its simplicity. Many times being wrong or right is not the point. The outcome you are going after can often be totally lost because you are focusing on whether you are wrong or right (an either/or thinking) versus focusing on the outcome (an "and" thinking).
For your OT Journal, go back and look at how many times you go for being "right" versus going for the outcome. Now thinking about that, what would you need to change in your thinking to get to the outcome versus being right? How would that have impacted the situation?
If you don't have an OT Journal, email us at contact@imp.us.com and put "Blog OT Journal Intentions" in the email and we will send you a free downloadable journal.
Anne Warfield
In last night's show Booth did a background check on his brother's girlfriend. Why? Because he believes his brother often doesn't think through his decisions well so Booth wanted to make sure this woman was good for his brother. He felt he was right in what he did.
Bones, trying to get him to see the error in his thinking said a classical line, "I don't know if you were wrong, but I fail to see the point of being right."
Take a moment to re-read that line. It is profound in its simplicity. Many times being wrong or right is not the point. The outcome you are going after can often be totally lost because you are focusing on whether you are wrong or right (an either/or thinking) versus focusing on the outcome (an "and" thinking).
For your OT Journal, go back and look at how many times you go for being "right" versus going for the outcome. Now thinking about that, what would you need to change in your thinking to get to the outcome versus being right? How would that have impacted the situation?
If you don't have an OT Journal, email us at contact@imp.us.com and put "Blog OT Journal Intentions" in the email and we will send you a free downloadable journal.
Anne Warfield
Conan & Leno: A Story in Brass vs Class
What you say outloud is just a reflection to the world of how you think of the world and yourself. So if I cut other people down when I talk, I am telling you I don't value myself or others. If I look for the good in others when I talk I am showing you that I see the world as good and my brain looks for the good in others. What you say reflects your thinking, so what is yours saying?
I watched Conan's last two shows to see how he would handle coming off the air. Remember this is a spot he fought 5 years for. He was the one that went to NBC and said he wanted to be promised Leno's spot or he was going to walk from his contract.
So NBC gave him the spot. They went to Leno and said it was time to retire. Leno went off the air gracefully without harsh digs on NBC or on Conan. Instead he focused on the opportunities he was going to have and poked fun at how the ending happened. He showed all of us that he wasn't happy with the decision but he was settled with it and he would come out on top again. He displayed Class.
Conan's exit was bitter. He took huge digs at NBC, did expensive stunts (costing millions of dollars), and basically said that NBC screwed him over. Remember, this is a guy that went to NBC and told them he could handle the Tonight Show and then when he couldn't handle it, instead of owning that, he fought back and said it was NBC's fault. That is Brass.
Leno's actions showed that his brain automatically moves to making the best of a situation by being the best he can. Conan's actions showed that he will move to blaming others when things go wrong rather than owning what he needs to change or modify to make things better.
Which employee would you want? Which employee are you?
Every day your words and action demonstrate your THINKING. So, for those of you following in your Outcome Thinking Intentions Journal, go back and look at some of the thinking you demonstrated. What does it say about you and your view of the world? If it is not what you want start changing it today.
PS. If you don't have a OT Journal, see our previous blog to see how to get your hands on a free journal.
Anne Warfield
I watched Conan's last two shows to see how he would handle coming off the air. Remember this is a spot he fought 5 years for. He was the one that went to NBC and said he wanted to be promised Leno's spot or he was going to walk from his contract.
So NBC gave him the spot. They went to Leno and said it was time to retire. Leno went off the air gracefully without harsh digs on NBC or on Conan. Instead he focused on the opportunities he was going to have and poked fun at how the ending happened. He showed all of us that he wasn't happy with the decision but he was settled with it and he would come out on top again. He displayed Class.
Conan's exit was bitter. He took huge digs at NBC, did expensive stunts (costing millions of dollars), and basically said that NBC screwed him over. Remember, this is a guy that went to NBC and told them he could handle the Tonight Show and then when he couldn't handle it, instead of owning that, he fought back and said it was NBC's fault. That is Brass.
Leno's actions showed that his brain automatically moves to making the best of a situation by being the best he can. Conan's actions showed that he will move to blaming others when things go wrong rather than owning what he needs to change or modify to make things better.
Which employee would you want? Which employee are you?
Every day your words and action demonstrate your THINKING. So, for those of you following in your Outcome Thinking Intentions Journal, go back and look at some of the thinking you demonstrated. What does it say about you and your view of the world? If it is not what you want start changing it today.
PS. If you don't have a OT Journal, see our previous blog to see how to get your hands on a free journal.
Anne Warfield
Monday, January 25, 2010
New Webinar: How to Use Outcome Thinking® to Increase YOUR Luck!
You will learn:
1. the four things lucky people do
2. how to persevere in achieving goals
3. what steps to take to attract good luck
We will share with you how to tap in to and access the greatest power you have using Outcome Thinking®. You will see what changes you need to put in place to make sure that you accomplish what you want in 2010.
Join us for this introspective and engaging webinar to get your key to unlock your luck.
Take 30 seconds to RSVP for this “NO-COST WEBINAR” on Thursday March 4 at 1:00 cst.
PS: Feel free to pass this invitation on to your family, friends and colleagues for this one-of-a-kind webinar experience.
Can't make the date?
Still register so you can get FREE access to the recording after the event. For those who don't register, the recording will be available for purchase. Space is limited.
Register at: http://www.impressionmanagement.com/webinar.html
1. the four things lucky people do
2. how to persevere in achieving goals
3. what steps to take to attract good luck
We will share with you how to tap in to and access the greatest power you have using Outcome Thinking®. You will see what changes you need to put in place to make sure that you accomplish what you want in 2010.
Join us for this introspective and engaging webinar to get your key to unlock your luck.
Take 30 seconds to RSVP for this “NO-COST WEBINAR” on Thursday March 4 at 1:00 cst.
PS: Feel free to pass this invitation on to your family, friends and colleagues for this one-of-a-kind webinar experience.
Can't make the date?
Still register so you can get FREE access to the recording after the event. For those who don't register, the recording will be available for purchase. Space is limited.
Register at: http://www.impressionmanagement.com/webinar.html
Friday, January 22, 2010
Outcome Thinking & Intentions
Yesterday I did a Webinar on the The Scientific Proof behind the Hocus Pocus of Thoughts and Intentions. If you weren't able to tune in, you can go purchase a copy on the website. Here I am going to tie activities and things y0u can do to expand your thinking and analyze the impact your thoughts have on meetings, discussions and your daily life. This will allow you to make your own conclusion.
You may also wish to get your hands on our Outcome Thinking & Intentions journal. Just email us at contact@imp.us.com and put Blog OT Journal in the subject line and we will send you a free downloadable journal.
In studying the impact your thoughts have on actual situations I had you start writing down what your THOUGHTS are and then what results you saw happen. This is important because there is tremendous power in what is not said. Matter-of-fact, in some people this comes out in expressive body language that tells you what they are thinking but not saying.
If you want to stop giving away tell-tell signs you need to first learn to manage your thinking. That is one of the beauties of Outcome Thinking- it shows you how to flip your brain so you automatically starting going to the offense side of thinking rather than the defense side of thinking.
So between now and my next blog, I just want you to observe your thoughts and what happens. Blog back and let us know what you thought and what happened. You will be your own Intention Experiment.
My first test on this was rather simple. I said I was going to change my "parking Karma." In my family we used to joke that I always ended up with the crappy parking spaces. So I simply started to say that I would get a front row spot. The amazing thing is that in 6 months I have only had ONE parking spot that wasn't front row! Every time I land a front row spot and no, I am not circling the parking ramp waiting for a spot. I drive in confidently thinking, "where is my front open spot?" and then there it is!
If you have a co-worker you are having trouble with try to just send positive thoughts about that person out and see how it changes their interaction with you.
Anne Warfield
You may also wish to get your hands on our Outcome Thinking & Intentions journal. Just email us at contact@imp.us.com and put Blog OT Journal in the subject line and we will send you a free downloadable journal.
In studying the impact your thoughts have on actual situations I had you start writing down what your THOUGHTS are and then what results you saw happen. This is important because there is tremendous power in what is not said. Matter-of-fact, in some people this comes out in expressive body language that tells you what they are thinking but not saying.
If you want to stop giving away tell-tell signs you need to first learn to manage your thinking. That is one of the beauties of Outcome Thinking- it shows you how to flip your brain so you automatically starting going to the offense side of thinking rather than the defense side of thinking.
So between now and my next blog, I just want you to observe your thoughts and what happens. Blog back and let us know what you thought and what happened. You will be your own Intention Experiment.
My first test on this was rather simple. I said I was going to change my "parking Karma." In my family we used to joke that I always ended up with the crappy parking spaces. So I simply started to say that I would get a front row spot. The amazing thing is that in 6 months I have only had ONE parking spot that wasn't front row! Every time I land a front row spot and no, I am not circling the parking ramp waiting for a spot. I drive in confidently thinking, "where is my front open spot?" and then there it is!
If you have a co-worker you are having trouble with try to just send positive thoughts about that person out and see how it changes their interaction with you.
Anne Warfield
Friday, January 15, 2010
Learn the Scientific Proof to the Hocus Pocus About Thoughts & Intentions!

What is the link between intention, crime and muscles?
Can you alone, impact change in your department, your company?
We will share with you how to tap in to and access the greatest power you have using Outcome Thinking®.
You will see what changes you need to put in place to make sure that you accomplish what you want in 2010.
Join us for this introspective and engaging webinar to get your key to unlock your opportunities.
Take 30 seconds to RSVP for this “NO-COST WEBINAR” on Thursday January 21 at 1:00 cst.
PS: Feel free to pass this invitation on to your family, friends for this one-of-a-kind-webinar experience.
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Can you alone, impact change in your department, your company?
We will share with you how to tap in to and access the greatest power you have using Outcome Thinking®.
You will see what changes you need to put in place to make sure that you accomplish what you want in 2010.
Join us for this introspective and engaging webinar to get your key to unlock your opportunities.
Take 30 seconds to RSVP for this “NO-COST WEBINAR” on Thursday January 21 at 1:00 cst.
PS: Feel free to pass this invitation on to your family, friends for this one-of-a-kind-webinar experience.
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
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